
DFT-raMO analysis occurs in multiple steps. First, a DFT package is used to generate the crystal orbitals of the system. Then DFT-raMO.jl imports the information and reads a YAML file that contains user-defined instructions for the analysis. DFT-raMO.jl will then execute the analysis sequentially, using the crystal orbitals as a basis set to generate MO-like functions (raMOs). These raMOs can be quickly assessed through the $P_{sphere}$ metric and inform the user on the validity and viability of the proposed bonding states.

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Running DFT-raMO

After configuring the basic input file, ensure that you are in your working directory, which includes the OUTCAR, POSCAR, KPOINTS, and WAVECAR files. Open the Julia REPL.

using DFTraMO