Keys for the Instructional YAML

General settings in the instructional YAML file

checkpointAllows the current sequence of DFT-raMO to begin using the specified basis set typically obtained partway through the analysis.Blank – starts with the basis set generated from DFT inputs
Path to the .chkpt file containing the starting basis set for the analysis
modeSpecifies if DFT-raMO evaluates the raMO and how the basis set is updated.default – keeps all generated raMOs regardless of $P_{sphere}$ value and updates the basis set accordingly.
auto_psphere – automatically returns raMOs with $P_{sphere}$ values <15% of the maximum $P_{sphere}$ value to the basis set. Subsequent raMOs that do meet the criteria are automatically rerun.
discard – all raMOs are returned to the basis set. Typically used for testing raMOs at different sites.
softwareIndicates which DFT package is used to calculate wavefunction informationvasp (abinit is currently not supported but will be implemented in a future update)
emin and emaxSpecifies the lower and upper limit of energy for wavefunctions used in the basis setBlank – by default, will start at the lowest energy
(Number) eV – Energy in eV
(Number) Ha – Energy in Ha
runsIndicates the list of raMO sequences will followThe list of raMO sequences and corresponding keys. See table.

runs list

nameNames the directory that stores output files corresponding to the raMO analysis. Also prepends files within that directory with this name.Blank – (not recommended) by default, starts with run_1 and continues numbering.
A string. It is recommended to use a descriptive yet concise string with no whitespace (e.g. 1_Sc_dxy to indicate it is the first sequence and corresponds to reconstruction of the Sc dxy atomic orbitals).
typeSpecifies which type of target raMO to generateAtomic orbitals (s, px, py, pz, dx2y2 or dx2-y2, dz2, dxy, dxz, dyz)
sp - Molecular orbital-like targets built from s- and p-based orbitals based on distance to a specified central site.
lcao - Builds targets based on user-specified linear combination of atomic orbitals.
displaced (AO) - Creates targets that are displaced off the central site by some specified direction and distance.
site_fileSpecifies the .xyz (sp type) or .yaml (lcao type) file for the sequenceFor sp type runs, the path to an .xyz file
For lcao type runs, the path to a .yaml file
sitesSpecifies which sites in the periodic atom list/.xyz/.yaml to build targets forFor atomic orbital type runs, a list of atomic sites in the supercell based on the periodic atom list (e.g. 1, 2, 4:12) or specific elements (e.g. Sc for all Sc sites, or Sc 1, 2, 4:12 for the 1st, 2nd, and 4th through 12th sites of Sc)
For sp and lcao type runs, all builds targets for all sites listed in the .xyz or .yaml file, or a list of sites based on the .xyz or .yaml file (e.g. 1, 2, 4:12)
directionFor displaced (AO) type runs only, specifies a directional vector in fractional coordinates for the displacement[a, b, c] – where a, b, and c correspond to the displacement direction in the fractional coordinate system. The directional vector is automatically normalized.
radiusFor sp type runs, indicates the maximum distance from the site to search for atoms whose s and p orbitals are used in generating the target. For displaced (AO) type runs, indicates the distance of the displacement.(Number) - distance in Å
rsphereSpecifies $r_{sphere}$ used for $P_{sphere}$ analysisBlank - a default value of 3 Å will be applied
(Number) - distance in Å